Astrology is a practicing belief that the alignment of planets and stars can affect your environment, your personality, and even your mood, dependent on your birth month. Many believe that such placements have a direct effect on your personal life and that even personalities can differ depending on their astrological sign.

When considering how astrology works, always maintain the difference between astrology and astronomy. Astrology is a belief that the position of planets and other astronomical bodies can affect the personality and once daily life. It has been practiced since 2,000 years BC in ancient Babylonia. It was then introduced to the ancient Greeks in the time of Plato and Aristotle around the 4th century BC. Astronomy is scientific examination of universal physics and celestial objects.

Astrology has been practiced for millennia, and numerous empires and nations around the world have relied on astrology to make decisions that affect their power. Astrology is a tool that relies on very personal intuitions, insights, behaviors, and concerns of those seeking greater understanding and direction in their lives.

Do the placement of planets affect one’s life?

The placement of the planets certainly has an influence on our daily lives, especially when it comes to seasons. The moon has an influence on the ocean’s tides and a solar flare from the sun can send electromagnetic energy into space and very well disrupt power grids. The sun gives life. Without it, humanity and everything on earth would die. So the simple answer is that the positions of the planets and other astronomical bodies do indeed have a huge influence on our lives.

Our observation of how celestial objects move and the impact that they can have on human nature is often told and or scopes based on our zodiac signs.

How can astrology affect your life?

Many of us get up every morning and read our horoscope, which in the Greek means ‘time observer’. Because astrology is predictive in nature and not absolute, it has retained its popularity due to the belief of those who practice it find meaning and value within it. It has the power and influence to affect your life based on a person’s ability to interpret something that has not yet happened, but has the potential to.

However, it’s important to accept that astrology is not perfect. A person’s behaviors or actions may be influenced by one’s astrological reading, which results in something predicted never coming to pass. Conversely, changing behaviors or attitudes following the reading, the individual may take active steps to alter their behavior or make a different decision, and veer onto a different path than was originally expected or intended.

In many ways, an astrological reading, which is commonly known as forecasting, is more commonly used in modern times to allow for variety not only within interpretations by the astrologer, but by the actions of the individual which may have an impact on possible outcomes. Horoscopes are a common type of astrology that, using a person’s birth sign, attempts to predict certain challenges, obstacles, or even good things that are likely to appear in one’s life, which can be closely related to the sage advice, “forewarned is forearmed”.

Astrology practices

Astrology takes into consideration an individual’s birth month, which in turn relies heavily on the planets, which are often associated with certain characteristics or associations. For example, the planets have an influence on the “what” of life, such as awareness (Uranus), insight (Neptune), or even love (Venus).

Another primary part of astrology are astrological signs, which are indicative of certain behaviors or actions – in other words the “how” an individual might act or respond based on one of the four primary elements of fire, earth, air, and water.

For example, Geminis are typically known as thinkers, communicators, and their curiosity. Those born under the sign Aries tend to show initiative and sometimes even confrontational behaviors. Libras are relatively recognized as peacemakers, or those who wish to restore balance.

Another important aspect of astrology is the astrological “house” which typically represents different areas of a person’s life such as home, health, career, and so forth. Twelve “houses” are used in defining the development of individuality as well as the role a person feels in society.

Astrology combines the three dimensions of houses, signs, and planets to indicate possible tendencies that may occur during an individual’s life. This is achieved by taking careful consideration of predispositions and observations that have been collected over time. Astrology is a form of guidance, and a complex one at that.

Astrology has the potential to enable a person to find their truer, deeper self, tone innate skills, to manage their path on life, and also to enable greater understanding of life cycles. It can be used to give context to one’s life and experiences, but it is up to the individual to take the information offered and use it as a tool in their own sense of the universe to make decisions.