At its most basic definition, numerology is a form divination. Numerology symbolizes numbers in a variety of patterns that are believed to have an influence on life experiences. Numerology is perceived to provide a greater understanding of who you are now, who you might become in the future, and potential challenges that will be faced in life. It also guides a person to identify their own strengths and how they adapt to a variety of life experiences.

In other words, numerology is a belief that attaches mystical or divine connections between life events and numbers, often utilizing a numerical value of ideas, names, and words to help guide one through life. Numerology is often used in tandem with other divination practices including astrology.

Numerology in history

The practice of numerology as a form of divination has been traced back to ancient Greek times, approximately to the year 500 BC when Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician, theorized that numbers provided a foundation of ideas and took on meanings as related to life’s journeys.

The ancient Greeks were not the only culture interested in the concept of numerology. Today, numerology encompasses cultural influences not only from the ancient Greeks, but from ancient cultures of the Egyptians and Babylonians, from the Chinese, and Indian Vedas.

However, the most well-known historical figure when it comes to the origin of numerology was St. Augustine of Hippo, who, in the early fourth century, wrote that “numbers are the universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.”

However, times changed, and the Roman Empire as well as the Catholic Church of its time deemed that divination practices like numerology, astrology, and other forms of ‘magic’ were not bestowed by higher powers, but by the devil.

Even so, the concept of sacred numbers was accepted within Greek Orthodox beliefs and Christianity over the years. In the early 1800s, a book on numerology (“The Day of Wisdom According to Number Vibration”) brought a resurgence of interest in the concept.

Then and now, numbers and their various meanings and implications have been adopted around the world. Concepts utilizing numerology exist throughout history, though interpretations differ. Numerology can also take on aspects of other forms of divination including Tarot. Tarot cards are numbered and those numbers are perceived to have specific meanings. Chinese cultures give importance to certain numbers such as the number four, implying bad luck. In biblical lore, the number 666 is associated with the mark of the beast.

The meaning of numbers

In numerology, numbers and number vibrations have specific meanings. For example, today the numbers zero through 10 convey specific ideas or aspects of life.

In modern times, the practice of numerology by different cultures can vary from one to the other, although several are based on how the spoken number sounds, while others combine and interpret, along with numerology, aspects of astrology and other mystical beliefs.

Different forms of numerology apply different concepts or ideas to the numbers. For example, in one form of numerology, the number one (1) may imply leadership, bravery, creativity and confidence, while another might assign the number as the concept that encompasses absoluteness or ‘everything’.

How does numerology work?

While different cultures may adopt a variety of approaches to numerology, its most basic aspect is to take numbers and break them down to their most basic elements. For example, a date. If you wanted to determine the numerology of a date in time, you would write out the numbers and break them down into a single digit. Let’s use 6/5/2022 as an example:

6+5+2+0+2+2 = 17

1+7= 8

The same breakdown is achieved with names, which are in turn broken down with each letter being assigned a specific number, utilizing numerals one through nine. In the above example, the number ‘8’ signifies an achiever or an achievement, although interpretations do differ based on method and the numerologist.

In essence, numerology has the potential to give an individual a personalized interpretation or direction to life, revealing strengths and weaknesses of their personality or character based on the number’s meaning. Numerology can be used as much as astrology in determining various aspects of life experiences, from personal identity to inner desires, to aspects of character, to the paths one must take in life.

Where is numerology used?

Today, numerology is often used to help individuals find the meaning of their life and life’s choices. It is often used by individuals to give them a greater sense of direction and in-depth glimpse of their personalities, strengths, and weaknesses.

Numerology is not a one-size-fits-all form of divination. There are many different types of numerology, although most are based on the numbers one through nine and the Latin alphabet. While many methods and approaches are different, all of them delve into the power of numbers and their energies and in the way that those numbers can have a huge influence over the decisions we make and the directions we take through life.